Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I meant to start with a bang....

This may ramble a bit, but I have all these things running through my head and I need to say them.  Also, I know that six months from now I won't remember most of this, so this is my memory.  :)

First, so far the week has been a little rough.  Not in a whiny "please give me pity" sort of way, but in a "help me laugh at how ridiculous my life is" kind of way.  So Sunday I started getting a sore throat.  Not a huge surprise, as approximately 73.605% of the people I know are sick right now, and one of them *cough Jenny cough* was at our house for Thanksgiving, and apparently shared a little too much.  HA  Anyway, so I was getting a sore throat.  Then I woke up in the middle of the night nauseous, and spent about five hours going to the bathroom every 45 minutes to do very unpleasant things.

On one particularly memorable bathroom visit, I fainted, and face-planted onto the floor and gave myself a concussion.  So Monday I didn't work, I made the mistake of calling my doctor, hoping he would say "You fall if you lean over, and when you are laying in bed, if you turn on your right side you feel like you are falling?  That's nothing to worry about.  Just rest and watch a few more hours of Gilmore Girls.  You'll be fine."  But no.  Of course he insisted that I go to the ER and get it checked out.  So after spending seven hours in the ER, getting a CT scan, two bags of IV fluids and two huge -- I mean choke a horse HUGE -- potassium pills, I get to come home and get very little sleep and then go to work.

So today, I have what I am pretty sure is bronchitis, I'm losing my voice, my throat hurts, and I'm very grateful to have ONLY bronchitis.  Honestly, once the concussion wears off, life is all good.  LOL

So also, I just have to say this.  I said it earlier to Stu, but I want to share.  (explains the title)

         I meant to start my week with a bang, but I accidently started it with a THUD.

(pause for applause.  and groans)

anyway, I don't care what you say; it's okay that it took me two days to come up with that!  I had a concussion!!! 

But that's not what I came here to say.

I came here to say this.  I would like to share my list of my top few favorite purely physical sensations.

Don't stop's okay...there are rules here.  I don't mean emotional moments that can be confused as physical; the sweet, sticky hug and kiss of a toddler, the passionate (hopefully non-sticky) embrace and kiss of a lover, any kind of sexual activity at all....because in my life, at least, there is all kinds of emotion attached to that.  I'm talking p.h.y.s.i.c.a.l.

Like, for instance, sinking down into a perfectly heated hot tub at the end of a long day.  It is just hard to beat that.  It's a little chilly in the hot tub room, and the water is perfect and bubbly and the tub is comfortable...and feeling that wonderful warmth all over is just SO amazing. I sink down into the water, and let my body adapt to the heat...and then I reach over and turn the motor on, and the water starts moving, and it feels good all over again.  *sighs*  Hot water does not get nearly enough attention in our world.  We take it so for granted, but it is the best thing ever.

 Or slapping the snooze button, and curling up under the covers for a few more minutes, after feeling just a second of that cold air that's waiting for you out in reality.

A really good foot rub, having someone wash my hair..which is usually followed by a cut and style....all good things.  Sitting by a fireplace reading a good book. 

Now, I realize that some people might argue that perhaps the sensation of flying down a mountain of snow with little boards strapped to your feet is more exhilarating, or racing a car or jumping out of a plane or something that requires an adrenalin rush -- but I'm simply not that kind of girl.  Give me a recliner to watch the leaves fall, a slow drive through the country, a comfortable chair and a fireplace, and for the love of all that is holy, give me a hot tub.  :)  I'll be happy forever.

And just for the record....I would rather have Cory than the hot tub....but that isn't what we're talking about here.