It has been the best weekend. Steph is leaving for the UK in a few days, and she has her first resident visa, so it's going to be a while before she is home again. She is promising to come for Cade and Bethany's wedding, but that is 13.5 months from now. It's happy and sad.
Matt and Heather came down Friday night, and came over for supper and hung out until late. We finished putting together a jigsaw puzzle that Steph has been working on for a while, and it was fun. the kids ran all around the house and watched some movies and it was so nice having them here. Colesen took a drink of my coke and rum and said "beer". and then tried to drink it all.
Cade and Beth and Carson came on Saturday morning, and it's been so much fun having them here. it was Bethany's first time seeing the new house. We all went out to Floyd in the morning to ride the horses. Cory needed a video of George because he is trying to sell him, because he just bought BlackJack. So we took the videos of George, and Cory rode him around for a while. Cade rode one of the donkeys, which was great. He could barely keep his feet up off the ground, and the donkey was so mad. She stood next to the fence and pouted for an hour after he got off.
Lamasigh was saddled up, and Cade and Carson and Beth all rode some combination of the horses. Cade said he was like Zoolander, because he couldn't turn left. Everybody else could turn left on the same horse, but not Cade. We played Yakety Sax for a minute while he was riding, and it was perfect.
When we came back to the house, Cory had to run to Clovis for a gun. I got another puzzle because Beth said she loved puzzles when she saw the one we finished on Friday night. So Cade and Carson took naps on the sofa while Steph, Beth and I sat at the card table and did a puzzle. Cade helped out with it some, but telling us how much he hated puzzles the whole time. Carson was watching Lord of the Rings, and he went off on a whole thing about how he prefers two-legged dragons to four-legged dragons. He just finds them more aesthetically pleasing, and it seems like a four-legged dragon trying to fly would be like flying a 747 with the landing gear down. And he'd really like to see the 'Lord of the Rings - 200 years later' movie. With airplanes and stuff, when the Orcs would be working in the mines, and the Elves are running everything.
Later when we had some grilled chicken to munch on for supper, Beth got to talking about the way Cade teases her and makes her believe stupid things. He will say things so seriously, and sound so convincing, and then when you ask if he is serious he will say no while acting like he's saying yes. He says that once her shower wasn't draining well, so he told her she needed a shower snake. She says "Shower snake?" so he immediately says "yeah, there's a breed of snake that you can get at Walters, or at most hardware stores. They go into the drain when you put them in the shower, and then they can't turn around, so they eat all the hair in the drain so they can get out." and Beth says "...I don't really want to put a snake in my shower...."
She says she keeps a list of the times he tries to do that to her. Like the time she was looking at the thermometer just as they passed the state line, and it changed by a degree, and Cade tried to convince her that it changes at the state line like the time does.
when they were on a cruise with her family, her mother wonders aloud how fast they are going. Cade says, "And there are oil derricks everywhere. So I say 'that's easy. Just hold your arm straight out until you're even with the oil derrick, and then start counting seconds." So Beth's mom and brother are standing there on the deck holding their arms out, counting seconds. So Cade says "Okay, so eight seconds. Now multiply that by 12.5" and he shows how they screw up their faces, thinking, and he says "102, Now, divided that by Pi" (or something, I don't remember what he really used) and they think, and he says "32. so we're going 32 miles an hour." And they are all amazed, and he explains that he learned that in the Boy Scouts. And Beth is standing behind them shaking her head. When Beth tells them he is full of crap, her Mom says "But did you really learn cool stuff in the Boy Scouts?" and he has to admit he was never in the Boy Scouts. We laughed so hard that it hurt.
Beth told us horror stories about baby names. Like K'Lia. When they asked the mom how to spell that (while filling out the birth certificate) she says "K, then a 'high comma', L I A." "I'm sorry. what? K what?" "High comma." "You mean an apostrophe?' "Yeah, high comma."
And the baby named (phonetically) Absody (spelled) Abcde.
It was just awesomely fun and wonderful to have them here. :)
Also, apparently Preslie now tells everybody that she loves Harry Potter and wants him to sleep in her bed.