Friday, October 16, 2009

I never said it would make sense....

The strangest things irritate me and make me feel incompetant. I'm sure that for the most part it is just getting used to the new term and getting back into the swing of being in class...(although how I get OUT of the swing during the short break between terms astounds me)...but what should be the simplest task seems to be beyond me at the moment. LOL
Find a specific article in the library and read it?
Post an opinion of said article on the discussion board?
Follow all of my classmates on their blogs?
Make screenshots of Writing Center links for this weeks activity?
Che....wait. What?

Now, don't get me wrong. I know how to make the screen biggie there. But I can't find the links. I'm sure any third grader I pulled off the street (not that I would EVER actually pull a third grader off the street, but work with me here) would be able to find the links. But not me.

I'm wondering if a glass of wine might help my powers of observation. If not, it'll at least help my frame of mind. I'm disgusted with myself. Not really...I just want some wine.

See how this works? I'm writing on the blog when IT ISN'T ASSIGNED instead of finding the links and making screen shots. I WILL get this done.

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