Thursday, October 29, 2009

Scattered thoughts

I've been doing research and then doing more research, and thoughts are beginning to fall out of my head and scatter on the floor. I think it's time to gather them in some form of logical order and start writing. I lay awake in bed last night thinking of way to form my report...I'm still struggling with that. I can come up with a nice sounding sentence, but it doesn't really cover all the information I want to write about, and when I try to include all the information, the sentence gets disorganized and too long. It's a work in progress. :)

I'm writing my paper about weight loss, and what I believe is the right way to do it. I've done so much research on diet plans and found so many diets that I have never heard of that I am amazed at the number of people who publish these things. I've decided that I'm going to combine some of the diets, and add another element or two, and publish my own diet plan. LOL Maybe I'll get rich.

I'm going to call it the 'Green Diet' because as you all know, GREEN is the new black. (ed. note: I am SO tired of everybody calling everything 'the new black', that has become kind of a personal joke of mine). I do, however, like the play on words. My diet plan would be 'green' because I would stress the importance of eating food in the most natural form possible, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of the processing and reducing the garbage created with packaging; I would also stress the importance of eating things that are green. (Not like moldy leftovers from the fridge, like spinach and broccoli).

I think if I combined The Banana Diet (eat a banana and drink a glass of water for breakfast every day) , The Apple Diet (eat an apple before every meal), add in the elements in several different diets that advocate eating food in its most natural form whenever possible, then add in my own encouragement to eat something green at every meal (except the breakfast banana, of course) then I could have a winner. My 'diet' would urge people to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, cut out refined sugars and the chemicals that are added to processed foods, and drink lots of water. If that is combined with some physical exercise, it would help a lot of people to lose weight and feel better. The trick to this is, I don't actually consider it a 'diet', I consider it common sense. People need to stop thinking of a 'diet' as something that prescribes a certain list of food they can eat for a specified period of time, and start thinking of a 'diet' as a lifestyle choice. No diet in the world works if it can't last forever, and most diet plans are not designed to be fulfilling to us in the long term.

I don't have my project figured out yet, but my conclusion is along these lines - the only way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight is to eat sensibly sized portions of healthy food, drink a sufficient amount of water, and get physically active.

Now, if I would only practice what I preach, I could probably lose this 30 pounds that I don't need. :)

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