Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Fountain of Middle Age

Sometimes, like right now, I feel like a total failure.  Sometimes I feel okay, but not right now.  I am going to try and lay out a list of facts with no emotion.  I'll get to the emotion.

I am a woman who is forty-nine years old.
I have been married and divorced twice.
I have had a few other relationships that were all the same and ended the same.
I have four children, who I raised on my own, with very little help but a great deal of criticism from their fathers.
I have had nine jobs in my life.
I have owned eight cars in my life.
I have never owned a house.
I have burned a lot of bridges, sometimes before I was completely across them.
I have several very good friends, and I rarely talk to them.
I am currently in the best relationship of my life, with the man that is better than all of my dreams.
I have some health issues - some beyond my control, some...not so much.

Now, to more subjective issues:

I have always considered myself slightly above average looking.  I don't anymore.
I can be witty and charming.  I can be boring and one step away from catatonic.  I can carry on an intelligent conversation, and I can go for hours without speaking. I can be very giving and generous; I love without reservation.  I can be very selfish.  I have thoughts of things that I should do for people I love, but I fail at turning that into action.

I have raised four children by myself, and they are all wonderful people, with various problems and idiosyncrasies. They are all employed and self-reliant, I consider that a win. I worked and paid the bills and cooked the meals and attended plays, award ceremonies, parent/teacher meetings, baseball games, hockey games, soccer games, basketball games and tennis matches.  I watched practices and skateboard competitions; I was the president of the PTA, I was the room mother, I was on the Little League Board of Directors, the Athletic Booster Club, the Band Boosters, and the Orchestra Boosters.

Sometimes I think that I used up all my energy in the 27 years that I was raising my kids, and now there is nothing left.  Sometimes I think that if I would get off my fat ass and lose about forty pounds, a lot of my medical issues would cease being issues, and I would have more energy to DO things.

But then sometimes I think maybe this is just what it feels like to be fifty.  I don't know.  What does everybody else feel like?  How are you supposed to know that?  Does everybody struggle to shower and get dressed every day?  I mean, some days I just want to stay in my jammies.  Of course, that is a problem because I don't wear jammies - but the concept is the same.

I just don't always feel like I am being the person I should be.  Somewhere down the line I became this person that I don't always recognize.  I'm just so tired.  Not sleepy, tired.  Tired.  Tired.

What is keeping me awake tonight is I am feeling a little overwhelmed by my general unworthiness in life, and wondering why my ever so fabulous boyfriend wants me.  Or how long he'll want me.  I don't feel like I deserve him anymore.

Now, what is stupid about this is that some of the more tangible things that make me feel unworthy are totally under my control.  Like, for instance, I have this terrible tendency to be a slob.  I can leave dishes in the sink for three days while having the best of intentions of doing them in just a minute.  More than half the time, he does them, and he doesn't complain a bit.  But it makes me feel like crap.  So why don't I just get up and do the damn dishes?  So I'm tired.  So it makes my back hurt a little bit.  And?  Do the damn dishes!  Clear the clutter off the bathroom counter every now and then.  Quit putting your clothes in the bedroom floor.  There's a hamper in the bathroom.  Right? 

And you know, get on the bicycle or something and lose some weight.  He deserves so much better than how I look right now.  But I feel so helpless, somehow.  Overwhelmed.  It's just so much easier to sit on the couch and stare at the TV; play a game on my phone; read a book.  I just want things to magically fix themselves while I'm sleeping.  Is that so much to ask?  Yeah, yeah, I know.

So whoever said that life was fair?  Or easy?  As hard as I worked all those years when I had kids....I wouldn't have to do half the work now, but it didn't hurt to do it then.  :)  This aging thing is for the birds. 

So I should go to bed and get some sleep.  I should get up tomorrow and finish the laundry and clean the kitchen and the bathroom.  I should go ride my bike, and drink water instead of Dr Pepper.  I should keep a positive attitude and DO things instead of thinking things.  Doesn't that sound easy?  Sure it does.

And it might happen.  It might. Or I might sleep for twelve hours.  Again.

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