So my son's girlfriend messaged me on facebook one day and told me that there was this quilt she found in a catalog, and she'd been thinking about buying it for a while. She showed the picture to two of my sons, and they both said "don't buy that!! Mom can make that for you!"
That is SO sweet, that they brag about me that way, and I love that the girlfriend would prefer to have one handmade by me....and of course I said I would make it for her.
But it's a complicated pattern, and speaking of patterns, I don't have one. So I have a picture to look at, and a brain to use. I can do that. I made a spreadsheet, cause you know, that's what I do. So I determined the size of the finished quilt, counted the number of blocks across the quilt, made up a measurement for the borders, put a formula in the spreadsheet to see what size the blocks needed to be....and it might fit the bed when I'm finished. Of course, there is also the small chance that the quilt will be of a size to slipcover New Jersey, but I don't think so. *worries a little*
So I'm thinking I will keep up with my progress here. I'm always thinking, after I finish a blanket, that I should have taken pictures of all the steps, but I never do. So this time, I'm going to do that. Not tonight, tonight I'm just going to write about taking pictures of the fabric that I will cut and sew and turn into a quilt...but I will take pictures and keep up with my progress, and possibly share this whole story with my kids and girlfriends when I am finished.
And just to state the facts clearly, as I did to Cory at the fabric cutting table at Hobby Lobby, "yes I know I'm insane. I don't care." I BELIEVE I can do it. I think. :)
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