Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Bellamy Brothers

  • Sep 19, 2007

    Current mood:silly

    Yeah, so I'm a little obsessed, so what?  :)  I was just posting my pictures, and I'm a little dissatisfied with my ability to put captions under the pictures.  I mean, I put some captions on there, but I can never say what I want.  I guess I should add pictures to my blog, that would be better.  ha

    See, here's the thing.  There are no pictures of Michael Tucker (the drummer) and you can look at my pictures all day long and most of you will never notice that lack, but it makes me mad.  I like Michael.  He's my favorite-ist drummer ever.  (yeah, he's better than Tico was back in the day. )  But it's so freaking hard to get a good picture of him because for ONE thing he's always at the back of the stage.  (imagine that, a drummer being at the back of the stage....) and for ANOTHER thing he's usually behind one of those um, things that they use for drummers.  LOL  Man, am I doing a good job explaining this.  But you know what I mean.  The plexiglass or whatever it is little whatever that makes the lights shine weird when you try to take a picture,  THEN there's the thing where he throws his hair around.  Now sure, that's part of what I like about him.  Mike (you don't mind if I call you Mike, do you?) Mike has some truly great hair...and I love the way he tosses it around while he's playing....but it doesn't help the picture taking opportunities much.  I did get some pictures in Ruidoso...of his hair covering his face...but they are so dark you can barely see who it is.  :(

    but it's okay, cause I have a plan.  (insert evil laugh here)

    so the Bellamys are coming to Lubbock on Oct 12, and I'm gonna be there.  In case none of you realize the depth of my desire to see this show AGAIN, let me just tell you this.  I'm going to be in Nashville for a few days in October for a payroll I have a free trip to Nashville. (well, okay...technically it isn't free, it's pretty freaking expensive, but I'M not paying for, you   The conference ends on Friday afternoon.  The airfare home is actually so much cheaper on Saturday than it is on Friday that I could have kept the hotel room for one more night and still saved money, it would have been cheaper to spend Friday night in Nashville.

    Friday night in Nashville, people.  But no.  I'm coming home - on the more expensive flight (that I'm not even paying for) so that I'll be home in time to see the Bellamys.  So I'll wake up in Nashville, and fly home and go to the Wild West.  It'll be a little culture shock, but I can take it.  :)

    and the plan?  Well, I'm taking my camera to the show, and I'm going to get some pictures of these people....BEFORE they get on the stage.  Not that I intend to be a pest or anything, but honestly, these guys love me.  Really.  They do.  (yeah yeah, i'm rolling in the floor.  I'm not actually delusional, okay?  stop worrying)  But here's the thing, they've seen me enough times that they recognize me.  Not recognize in the 'oh look!  There's Kathy!!!' kind of way....more in a 'oh look...there she is again' kind of way.  :)  But Michael knows my name.  We've had actual conversations.  The Bellamys aren't even the first band he's ever been in that I loved, so there!  I'm a Michael fan from WAY back.  Like when Jake was in diapers - and he's turning 21 in two days.  (that's a whole different blog right there)


    anyway.  Michael doesn't think i'm totally nuts, and he talks to me.  And Randy talks to me.  Randy even gives me hugs when it's time to go.  (and once he kissed me from the stage but I'm not gonna talk about that because YOU might misunderstand and think I'm a groupie, and I'm not)  Wally smiles at me, and he waves sometimes.  Like when we're all in the same hotel and we see each other in the parking lot.  Speaking of being in the same hotel, I ran into Larry at the elevator, and he was friendly too, and he smiled and waved from the stage later, so SEE!!! They love me.  (they don't run and hide, therefore they love me.)  work with me here, people. 

    so the plan is I'll take my camera and when I get to the show I'll find the guys and say, 'hey, honey....can I get a picture with you?' and without fail they will smile and say ' of course!!  I'd love that! Will you e-mail me a copy?'  and there you go...I'll have pictures of me and Randy and me and Wally and me and Larry and me and see where I'm going with this?

    Now - I would love...truly LOVE to have a picture with David and Howard too, but that's a little harder.  They spend a little less time walking around in the bar before the show, you know? Now they are very friendly and relatively open to meetings...I actually got them to pose for a picture once already...a long time ago....but before you start thinking I'm greedy, let me explain.

    I went to Clovis and saw them play at the Dairy Fest.  When the show was almost over I ran to the back of the stage and when they came down I asked if i could get a picture,and David said "sure."  Actually it was like a fairly long almost discouraging pause, then 'sure', but I'll take what I can get.  So I say 'thank you....' and I turn around to hand the camera to my son, and my son is not there.  Not one of my sons was there.  I mean, all three of them were THERE...somewhere...but not close to me.  Those ungrateful little turds.  (jk jk jk)  But they have deserted me in my time of need.  So I hand my camera to one of the security guys (nice job, btw...stand there and watch while the crazy lady bothers the stars....) and ask him to take the picture. David and Howard stand there nicely, with their arms around me (hehehehe) and the dude looks at the camera and scrunches up his face and I explain how it works (um, look at the big window on the back, and when it looks good, push the button on top)  and he stands there and looks, and he pushes the button, and I tell David and Howard thank you SO much and they go off and get on the bus.  Then I look at the picture. There's not a face in it.  Seriously, not one face.  Three people, not one face. Actually, he didn't even get Howard in the picture at all. It's me and David, from shoulders to hips.  JUST the memory I was looking for.  geez.  How can you not know how to work a digital camera?

    So I need to try this again, in a more controlled atmosphere...with Calvin holding the camera, maybe.  But how to get them to stand still again....there's the dilemma.  Now of course, if Michael, who for some reason has my myspace url were to actually LOOK at this page, and say he even took the time to read my blog (and decide that I AM crazy after all, and maybe he shouldn't talk to me anymore....or maybe he'd just think I'm funny) but just SAY he took the time to look me up and read my blog, and say while they're on the bus riding down the highway he might say something like 'hey guys, we all need to get pictures with Kathy tonight in Lubbock...David, Howard...she wants a pic with you guys, so make it happen, okay?'  I mean, it COULD happen, right?

    It could too.  shut up.

    I'm going to stop rambling now and go to bed.  But just in case Michael or Randy is really reading this...(LMAO) I seriously need some pictures, okay? and hey, could you get David to sing Persuaded again?  I've totally given up on She's Gone With the Wind, I'm not even asking for Highway of Regret, don't really expect to hear Life is a Beach...but come ON!  Persuaded shouldn't be that much of a stretch.  I haven't heard Rip Off the Knob in an awfully long time either.  :)  Really, I'm leaving now.  (and no, I don't really believe that anybody is still reading.  you bunch of damn lightweights.)

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