Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My new iPhone

  • Feb 2, 2008
    So, here's how this works.
    Today my ex-husband bought me an i-phone.  No, really.  He did.  I don't know why...probably the beer he had at lunch contributed.....but he did.
    I mention this mostly because he told me I should say something on myspace about my ex buying me a phone and I told him I would and he said I would not and you know how those conversations go....but I have to prove that I'm right and he's not.  So ...I guess I'm done with that part now.  LOL
    Anyway, so I'm incredibly jazzed about this and way excited to activate my new phone so I go rushing right to a computer, and
    i find out that the version of itunes I have isn't good enough.
    it doesn't support the iphone.  so i have to download a newer version of itunes.
    so i go to download a newer version of itunes, and i find out that the version of windows i have isn't good enough.
    it doesn't support the newer version of itunes.
    so i go to a different computer that has a newer version of windows and a newer version of itunes, and i hook up my phone, and it doesn't work.  i get some weird message about my sim card.
    so i call the guy that sold the phone, and he says that it's definately an itunes issue and i need to talk to the iphone support people, so he calls them for me.
    of course, i waited on hold for a while to get the at&t guy, and then i waited on hold for a while (a long while) to get the iphone guy, and he looked around at some stuff and told me that i'd have to talk to the at&t people because they didn't capture my serial number to my account or something.
    so we called them back, and waited on hold.  naturally.
    and they said that they can't activate my phone because it's a business account.
    now, i would like to point out that when the phone was purchased, it was done so with the clear understanding that it was for a business account.
    and when you open the screen in itunes to activate the phone, it asks if it is a personal account or a business account.
    but NOW they say that you can't have an iphone on a business account.
    so I'll have to change the name on my account before I can activate my phone.
    and i said 'fine.  do it' and they said, 'well, you have to call the business center'
    so we called the business center.  but they were closed.  so now I have to wait until monday to activate my phone.
    this sucks.
    this is the coolest thing I've ever had in my life, and all I can do is look at it.
    i want to play with my phone.
    first the chick last night didn't have the stuff I wanted in inventory and now I can't activate my iphone.
    I have a lot of new toys and nothing to play with.
    poor me.

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