Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I broke a nail on Friday

  • Jul 24, 2007

    Current mood:amused

    It's not that I'm that concerned about the nail…not really. It'll grow back. They always do. It's hardly the first time I've broken a nail. But this time….well, I don't mean to be whiny, but this hurts.

    Here's the thing. The nail was pretty long, and it just snapped off. (opening my hood for the guy in the superlube. Next time I'll get out of the car and let THEM open the freakin hood) It snapped off clear down on my finger….like now the tip of my finger touches stuff instead of my nail touching it.( and you know, right, that it didn't totally snap off. It ripped all the way across EXCEPT for that last eighth of an inch, and I had to pull it off. I hate that.) This sucks. This is on my ring finger, btw…and now the whole end of my finger is kinda swollen and red, and it's tender…and when I'm typing, it hurts every time I have to type an s. or a w. or an x. See, doing that was excruciating.

    Well, maybe not excruciating…agonizing. No, that's not fair. It was just incredibly painful. Okay!!! Not incredibly painful, but it was painful. Aggravating. Annoying. It doesn't feel good, okay? L And do you have any idea how hard it is to type anything that makes sense without using an s?

    Try that sentence again. And do you have any idea how hard it I to type anything that make ene without uing an ?

    See, (ouch) that didn't make sense (ouch) at all.

    Sigh. (ouch)

    Good thing I don't have anything important to say (ouch) about Sally (ouch) selling (ouch) seashells (ouchouchouch) down by the seashore. (ouch OUCH!!!)

  • All I'm saying is there are things in life that we all take for granted every day, and maybe we should try harder to appreciate them. So for everybody who can touch something right now with your ring finger without saying 'ouch'…hey…be grateful, would you?


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